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wendaarie February 08 2009 09:59:51
im not a dragon either anymore Grin home!!
Sharlel February 07 2009 23:54:22
I'm not a dragon anymore Smile
Cure February 06 2009 13:43:33
Ali!!!! Your dad was just round... hes brought the computer Smile Smile Love you xx
Cure February 06 2009 13:01:05
Thanks for msg Tom, got it last night when I got home from work <3 And I have a plan........
Thomzz February 06 2009 12:01:48
yes, it always gives a huge time and then is done in a few minutes
Mellony February 06 2009 11:52:36
5 days for a transfer??? think my last one took about 10 minutes, i'd keep an eye on that elleen, you may find its far quicker than 5 days.
Shambolicle February 06 2009 07:19:09
Good morning all
Elleen February 06 2009 06:01:38
Moring mate. Lol me take time transfer server 5 day.say:blizzard
Cure February 05 2009 13:58:48
TOM ---> PM... and I'm eager for reply Smile
Mektheb February 05 2009 13:32:40
./wave ryan
Mektheb February 05 2009 13:26:22
lol tbh mello i skipped it again, im just gonna wait for a proper one and skip this its bollux
Mellony February 05 2009 13:25:37
Mek! how shit was bleach 205?!?!?
Mektheb February 05 2009 13:14:53
Omg feels ignored by a surten englishman !
Mellony February 05 2009 11:10:08
was waiting for that joke Pfft
cdp February 05 2009 10:45:53
I have a lot more than 5 inches here Smile
esdras February 05 2009 10:22:00
We have had about 5 inches since yesterday but thats aberdeen for you
Cure February 05 2009 09:00:13
We got first lot of snow last night too Smile
Kwanda February 05 2009 08:40:32
Got snow today for the 1st time. /cheer. Already at work though >.<
rebekah February 04 2009 17:51:42
mek <3
Mektheb February 04 2009 14:52:31
Common chin up we will get thrue this and we all wil remain freinds, <3 And yes i cant lead so i dont want to Pfft i suck in that and dont like it and still a big cheer for pes taking us towards all we did in the past time Wink hip hip Wink
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19-02-2009 17:34
ok, going to register then Grin

19-02-2009 14:39
Contezeppelin, read the notice on the front-page lol

19-02-2009 14:08
no one in here for day's now, hmm

13-02-2009 08:12

12-02-2009 23:56
looks like you aint clicked the link in your confirmation email yet

12-02-2009 23:39
For god sake someone approve me on new forum so i can see it. Grin

12-02-2009 18:32
Alex <3 The new forum is up, we are all there now Smile

12-02-2009 16:38
Taxi home tonight as im being a lazy arse, oh and getting beers in on the way woot.

12-02-2009 16:18
i'm staying until i see your tattoo. i'm interested : p

12-02-2009 15:41
I think im going to be left on this forums myself /cry

12-02-2009 15:38

12-02-2009 15:18
Is there a new web site? give info plx Smile

12-02-2009 14:56
idd... come join us Smile <3<3

12-02-2009 14:33
and esdras and sabnab <3

12-02-2009 14:32
Jake come back to us Smile caline also come back !