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February 08 2009 13:31:06
think it would be best if people put themselves forward, but dont see the harm in pointing out the good qualities in other people, even if they're not interested 
February 08 2009 13:30:51
For instance on the post I put up, someone suggested Mek... Mek said he didn't want the responsibility... so someone put him forward will he still be polled?
February 08 2009 13:30:03
So I nominate who I want for officer/GM? Or do people interested put themselves forward?
February 08 2009 13:28:57
I still fail to see why you haven't stuck adverts up on here mell...
February 08 2009 13:25:13
Daily Average Hits has increased by 450% in Febuary Compared to January....
February 08 2009 13:24:28
Know I did that a lot ages ago, and some things, raid leading I am fine on. Recruitment, general upkeep is where it went a bit iffy. Anyway. Fhood.
February 08 2009 13:22:49
Agree pes was great GM but Pes you choose who to help and when people offered were either told wasnt needed or ignored
February 08 2009 13:22:08
I offered to help in any way possible to and was told it wasn't needed
February 08 2009 13:20:35
i have to say i no ppl did offer to help i remember mek and alex offering to become raid leaders and help out a little
February 08 2009 13:20:15
could have bin sooner i must agree..
February 08 2009 13:19:43
i havent been on till now  and some other ppl may not have been logged in for a while either
February 08 2009 13:19:35
if i can say pes, its easy to just tagg allong and let you do it , now your gone and the "gone" and the band doesnot wanna give up so people come forward .....
like a cat in a corner does weird things 
February 08 2009 13:19:05
I mean, I know I took a lot on myself, but the offers of help would have been handy etc and probably avoided this whole situation in honesty.
February 08 2009 13:18:30
maybe we should move suggestions to threads, rather than shoutbox? 
February 08 2009 13:18:17
Although, not meaning to sound off in any way, but if people wanna save the guild so much, how come there wasn't this kind of support/frantic posting and such before?
February 08 2009 13:18:10
I put that up in a post... Cut off for GM applications Monday 8pm server time... No response. Vote for GM by Friday 8pm server time. No response...
February 08 2009 13:18:07
but we all should have our say in who gm is and have a vote we need someone who is impartial instead of the same few ppl saying this is how it should be etc ...
February 08 2009 13:18:05
goddam refresh button >.< nvm my post
February 08 2009 13:17:37
Not weeks, but I do agree, you need to make sure people who get the important jobs know their roles etc.
February 08 2009 13:17:12
2 days of suggestions, 2 days of voting? We could be set-up by next raid reset...