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February 08 2009 14:27:49
and officer nominations deadline... wednesday 23:00?
February 08 2009 14:26:51
February 08 2009 14:25:06
He hasn't been online for how long... and how would it look to new members having a lvl 70 GM?
February 08 2009 14:23:07
I say spam for GM (seriously)
February 08 2009 14:22:16
SPAM <3<3<3
February 08 2009 14:20:41
When is the cut off for nominations for GM and officers? And when will polls start? Cap and I applied for GM aa couple days ago already... so the idea has been out there a while alrdy
February 08 2009 14:16:38
TBH ill go wherever Sab goes as long as there some kind of friend rank as i think that's all im good for 
February 08 2009 14:07:30
im happy with either tbh an alt guuld or alts in the guild  and yeh /definitive is there for a reason so why not keeping tabs on alts 
February 08 2009 14:04:54
I'm inclined to agree with Mek. After all, /definitive was created for a reason 
February 08 2009 14:03:13
lol mell
February 08 2009 14:01:41
Alt guilds work fine i mean your all in /defintive anyhow so can easy check up on people... 
but still my idea then 
February 08 2009 13:58:06
i'd rather deepfry my head than be GM 
February 08 2009 13:55:32
mell wheres ur gm app?
February 08 2009 13:53:13
alt guilds rarely work....
February 08 2009 13:48:14
I dont like that idea, i have 2 alts who i play a lot so would seem weird plus if your gonna raid and looking for people cans see who is on playing an alt etc. Just make 2 alts per guild lol 
February 08 2009 13:46:45
nty more ideas like keep alts out of the guild and make a its better to c who what where
February 08 2009 13:36:11
Wel you can always put my name infront ofc no biggy  , but if i gotta choose between GM or raid assistand (officer) ill go for the officer spot in this case id like to keep it in the famelie and put CAP infront for gm..and shar for assistand (and got ple
February 08 2009 13:33:42
Food time. WTB interesting posts when i get back!!! 
February 08 2009 13:32:53
no worries sab. we still all <3 you 
February 08 2009 13:32:18
yeh sorry think that was me as i wud nvr put myself forward too much of a nab for that but i did want to point out who i think wud be good for it sorry for confusing the poll :s