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February 01 2009 11:46:03
February 01 2009 10:11:26
we wish you luck
February 01 2009 09:55:55
Hope my App Form gets a Yes 
January 31 2009 07:53:17
morning girls and boys
January 30 2009 13:22:42
about time too Alex 
January 30 2009 12:40:16
YAY, Sab is back!! <3
January 30 2009 12:23:40
Tom I bought her a laptop last night should be here sometime this week .
January 30 2009 12:08:02
Indeed. Gief CDP!
And Alex, buy your Mrs a laptop & get her to 80 fast, so all the old crowd can be back together again. 
January 30 2009 12:07:06
And Abigail's first toothie has come through today 
January 30 2009 12:06:38
CDP is back, on Popeyes.
January 30 2009 11:16:02
With Karl, Mello and Mek back we need CDP as well <3
January 30 2009 09:33:00
Woot Woot Karl <3
January 30 2009 08:36:50
Morning all... and I am soooo excited Karly <3
January 30 2009 08:12:59
Morning all, and hai Karl 
January 30 2009 07:55:07
January 30 2009 04:01:08
OFC we can. I will be on wow in a forthnight (gotta love that word), missed u all loads, once i'm back, milk and honey WILL be raining from the sky  Big <3 and kisses
January 29 2009 18:05:10
We have been through worse than this before. We can make it this time as well. 
January 29 2009 17:08:39
Warchaser left guild today too 
January 29 2009 15:37:05
only military wing cleared last night... the others are there for the taking.. i wont be on tonite... so knock yourselfs out 
January 29 2009 15:07:48
Aah ok thanks for the info hope to clear some wings tonight, god getting used to this raidstyle is so different haha