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February 19 2009 17:34:58
ok, going to register then 
February 19 2009 14:39:48
Contezeppelin, read the notice on the front-page lol
February 19 2009 14:08:46
no one in here for day's now, hmm
February 13 2009 08:12:04
February 12 2009 23:56:44
looks like you aint clicked the link in your confirmation email yet
February 12 2009 23:39:05
For god sake someone approve me on new forum so i can see it. 
February 12 2009 18:32:58
Alex <3 The new forum is up, we are all there now 
February 12 2009 16:38:52
Taxi home tonight as im being a lazy arse, oh and getting beers in on the way woot.
February 12 2009 16:18:51
i'm staying until i see your tattoo. i'm interested : p
February 12 2009 15:41:51
I think im going to be left on this forums myself /cry
February 12 2009 15:38:35
February 12 2009 15:18:03
Is there a new web site? give info plx 
February 12 2009 14:56:52
idd... come join us  <3<3
February 12 2009 14:33:41
and esdras and sabnab <3
February 12 2009 14:32:06
Jake come back to us 
caline also come back !
February 12 2009 13:55:34
i am srsly bored people!!!!
February 12 2009 13:52:14
NOTE: i'm NOT complaining
February 12 2009 13:50:17
February 12 2009 13:50:11
why wont you be there!?
February 12 2009 13:43:24
Your new forum will be a quieter place without me people 