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February 12 2009 13:42:54
Still a snow storm in aberdeen not stopped in about 8 hours.
February 12 2009 13:34:07
its relitively warm here
February 12 2009 13:29:52
Raining now >< Washing all the snow away 
February 12 2009 12:16:18
Not had any in the North West of England. Sucks big time.  Gief days off work!
February 12 2009 11:18:02
Been snowing here for about a week now.
February 12 2009 11:08:49
i want snow 
February 12 2009 11:08:15
Had to go into work this morning... There's maybe 2 inches on snow... was so hard to wheel the pram through it and couldn't tell the difference btwn the pavement and road lol... so Abigail had a bumpy ride 
February 12 2009 10:02:50
Im still in Definitive Mek thats why im in my guild forum now leave me to talk to my other memebers OH wait that would be just me. 
February 12 2009 09:19:51
Morning beardie  , wishper us for invite new guild if you didnot do it !
February 12 2009 09:16:59
Awwww, poor Alex. Morning Alex <3
February 12 2009 09:15:29
Mirning jake, seems no one says morning to me though 
February 12 2009 09:00:56
We have mega snow up here this morning 
February 12 2009 08:58:13
Havnt even started my lessons and I already want to die.
February 12 2009 08:54:17
Morning Jake 
February 12 2009 08:53:53
Morning all 
February 12 2009 08:43:24
Epic layout mell 
I still say you should have a dwarf shadow priest somewhere on it as there cool.
February 12 2009 08:39:50
sorry Mello! I'll delete my post 
February 12 2009 08:35:58
its not ready!
February 12 2009 08:21:47
Is the new forum up and running? I am so excited to see what the genius has done 
February 12 2009 08:07:29
Morning, or does no one use this forum anymore lol?