We are here to raid, and raid we shall. Our focus is on progress guys. We want to get further, not over farm places.
While we are growing, this will be via 10 mans. ZA as a main priority. Maybe some 25 mannage (Gruul) if we have numbers, but SSC and such that require practice will be out until we get bigger and have big numbers regular.
Kara will be more free for all, and done randomly and by anyone wanting to go. Thinking weekends.
As for the main raids, people leading and looting it shall be officers or above. Least for now.
Invites will be done on basis of sign ups. But understand if there is three of your class all signed as first three people, you may not be going.
Please understand that if you can't go, then there isn't space, it isn't anything against you, it is just there isn't space. If you feel you often get left out, please raise this issue with an officer. During the raid may not be the best time.
The places will be given out on who is needed, and also, especially on new bosses what group will likely to give us the best chance on downing it. Don't be hurt if you are not taken to every new boss, it is nothing against you, but more often than not a well rounded raid has a better chance.
Alts and friends may go, but please be aware of loot restrictions, and your gear and skill on them should be up to that of your main.