Talents: (17/44/0)
Will you re spec if needed? Would rather not
First Aid:375
Hit Points (Without Buffs): 11.2k
Mana Points (Without Buffs):
Armour (Without Buffs):9701
Professions and Level:mining/bs 375
Armoury Link for your Character: armoury down so
Admin (Answer YES or NO)
Do you share you account with anyone? :No
English speaking ? : Yes
Requirements: (You will need to obtain these in the next 14days)
Do you have Teamspeak? (you will not require voice, just to listen) :Vent or Teamspeak
Do you have GEM (Guild Event Manager)?: yes
Our Raid times are mainly between 20:00 - 23:00 Servertime on weekdays and during the day or night on weekends. Does this suit you ? - yes
How Regularly do you play (average Hours / Times Per day)
3~4 hours everyday
Experience with instances:
What Raids / Instances have you experienced in WoW? (With this Character) :
Black Temple:
About You: (Please note, the more info you give the better we can judge if you are what we are looking for.)
What's your real life Age?
Why you wish to join the guild and what would you have to offer:
Looking for a UK based guild that raids later in the evening. Uber dps
What other guilds have you been in and what were your reasons for leaving?
Amistad, they started too early in the Evening being based in Europe and I always missed my slot.
How did you hear about Definitive?
A little bit about yourself such as where your from what sort of person you are Time spent on a response to a question like this will reflect your attitude so answer well).
I think most of you know me Live in the UK, Bath, 40 years old 2 year old daughter. Played with Hobbo since lvl 12. about 58 lvls to long tbh travel a lot with my work.
Edited by Mellony on 08-04-2008 16:33
I would like a DPS warrior within the guild. And your spec seems more PvE friendly than most. However could still do with a bit of editing, if you would that is.
However, been such a good friend of Hobbo's, I think we can offer you a spot as a friend for the time being, with a view to putting you on trial and raiding.
If that is acceptable, give me/Kwanda/Spamsta/Willzoor/Aryalla a message.