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January 16 2009 08:15:24
Morning all <3
January 16 2009 07:52:40
and gl with the presentation
January 16 2009 07:52:24
yeah i could imagine eik, just some of us try to get a day working so that we can raid, with jobs and all... So kinda irritates me to see that comment... I would love to raid every day, but i just can't
January 16 2009 07:07:05
Good Morning
January 16 2009 05:00:04
hey Eik, good luck presenting your new pretty outsourcing thingie
January 16 2009 02:56:56
Oh and sorry about my crud attitude lately.. I'm a bit of a dickhead, I know. My current irl issues are pretty stressing
But ya.. Good job in naxx today :]
January 16 2009 02:49:13
Having to present my 10min+ presentation about outsourcing today ><
Been up late to make it all pretty-like!
Wish me good luck
January 16 2009 02:47:35
Goldelune, I don't plan to get another job until I end my studies. If I were to work while going college, I'd get too stressed with the workload and I'd most probably miss deadlines.
January 15 2009 18:58:16
im offline tonite guys, so if the naxx we startet yesterday continues today, im sad to sit over
Hope everything works out!
January 15 2009 18:35:42
my love life is broke. fix that please
January 15 2009 17:38:28
tht paladins Spec is broke. Can u fix that?
January 15 2009 17:14:42
I’ve just applied a few patches and fixes, if you notice anything that’s broke let me know.
January 15 2009 14:34:45
Is the 25 man set in stone to Friday and Saturday... cause I work Sat nights I just need one trinky and 2 rings and a sigil and I'm epicced totally!!
January 15 2009 14:31:09
eik? maybe get a job then? sorry to say
January 15 2009 14:20:35
Know it sounds harsh, but think after doing all Naxx myself, it thrills me to keep doing it? No, but until we have 25 who can go on our own, its team ups or nothing for it.
January 15 2009 14:19:04
Stop being so negative Eik really starting to p!ss me off with this attitude because you have done everything. No. Do not PuG 25 OS. Idea is we go as guild, PuG last few, so as many as guild as possible get to go.
January 15 2009 14:16:30
Spamming shoutbox because I'm bored. Just another hour x.x
January 15 2009 14:11:05
...on sunday and wont raid on mon/tue because people work.
To put it short: I don't think we'll clear naxx :]
January 15 2009 14:10:43
Friday: Start with what we struggle on - Military/Construct.
We'll probably get both done on friday/saturday if the group is good.
We'd get the other 2 wings cleared on sat' if mili/constr didnt fail. Else, probably sunday. We'll probably end early
January 15 2009 14:02:34
10mans are boring. We wont have 10 people doing everything if the people who usually go get bored of doing it which I currently am.
Can we pug OS hc? If having 25 guildies is unlikely, I'd like to pug it because I'm bored