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October 17 2008 08:30:35
Morning x
October 17 2008 07:53:41
when my pally got stuck online after going through the shat SW portal, a GM told me to run the repair utility, the Repair thing said to me "Too much data needs downloading to repair, please re-install" bollocks to that and fired the game up & it worked!
October 17 2008 07:53:26
October 17 2008 07:41:59
morning ...
October 17 2008 07:21:37
I can beat Ret pallys no problem. I'll duel you tonight Sam ^^
October 16 2008 23:09:19
Me Sam i will beat you
October 16 2008 22:24:54
23 duels - 23 wins, 0 loses.
Who's next to feel my wrath?
October 16 2008 19:45:11
i ended up having to download an extra 2gb through the repair thing on top of the patch lol :<
October 16 2008 19:43:30
same thing i did the repair thing before updating patch today all went great
October 16 2008 19:25:35
did You try repairing ur installation, i had to before i could install it.
October 16 2008 17:18:22
i can't even install the patch. redownloading from a mirror now.
October 16 2008 17:16:18
Well that sux
October 16 2008 17:15:28
like gems
October 16 2008 16:45:53
Can you swap glyphs around like trinkets or are they like gems that get destroyed?
October 16 2008 15:38:55
Booo would have like to have tried the holy and shadow trees without paying hundreds of gold to respec for them both and back to Disc again
October 16 2008 15:26:18
no they shouldn't be.
October 16 2008 15:02:21
God i hope so 50g per respec is just to much
October 16 2008 15:00:33
Out of curiosity, with the talent repsecs being free has the gold price to respec went back to 1g the 5g etc?
October 16 2008 14:30:00
Gladiator esdras thats the one we need
October 16 2008 14:04:56
Even with all the new titles and such i am still after Justicar. I only need to farm AB for a week and then it would just be WSG