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October 29 2008 17:59:15
Takes the fucking piss - havent been that pissed off in ages. One of Two items which i need from ZA and they give it to a healer :S
October 29 2008 17:45:47
We (jake, Sam, Cal) went to ZA pug with 5 peeps from forlorn Hope. Zuljin drops AP trinket, Sam wins it and it goes to druid healer from Hope. Same with the Blood (which I won).
October 29 2008 15:25:31
Go go spam realm forums?
October 29 2008 15:24:29
What happened?
October 29 2008 14:14:16
I know that now alex. I'm actually fucked off, cos thats 1 of the few things i want from ZA. Bunch of pricks
October 29 2008 14:08:04
Scumbags, never trust anyione without "Definitive" above there head.
October 29 2008 14:06:42
Kk, never grouping with anyone from Forlorn hope again. Ninjad Zuljin loot...
October 29 2008 12:29:10
Rofl. Thats an inadvertent compliment. And Sam is special. xD <3
October 29 2008 12:17:49
October 29 2008 12:17:31
sam isnt like you tho pes. he's a bit 'special'
October 29 2008 12:12:39
ah thats how its gonna be
enough said
October 29 2008 12:04:20
Go go Sam! Nice one. I started work at xmas temp in warehouse. ended up warehouse supervisor.
October 29 2008 10:09:49
Morning Jake
October 29 2008 09:45:29
morning Alex! <3
October 29 2008 09:44:38
October 29 2008 09:42:46
Not bad pay for weekend work, and i get EMA, so im laughing really £110 a week, maybe slightly more.
October 29 2008 09:40:12
October 29 2008 09:39:02
Good old argos in fareham Jake - But u wont ever see me as i r warehouse!
October 29 2008 09:38:27
lol Mornin Sam!
October 29 2008 09:35:48
i just found a split end. haircut day!