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November 14 2008 17:06:08
deadest day on the forum ever....
November 14 2008 14:12:17
Friday Funnies????
November 14 2008 12:48:25
screw it, gonna go to tesco at dinner and buy a 3rd copy cos play one aint arrived, need it for multiboxing!
November 14 2008 11:18:46
naaa, got way too much to do
November 14 2008 10:57:09
So mello... You got that terrible flu? You need to go home early?
November 14 2008 10:38:02
Grats Mello
November 14 2008 10:23:39
my Amazon copy of WOTLK has finally arrived!!!!!! still no sign of mine from Play though...
November 14 2008 10:23:16
gz kath!
November 14 2008 09:58:26
November 14 2008 09:56:55
November 14 2008 07:37:06
79? get a life!!!
November 14 2008 07:08:34
there are 4 lvl 79's on ravencrest... wtf?!
November 14 2008 07:05:54
1 min before shutdown..i killed one of the last 3 rare mobs from outland to complete "bloody rare" achievement. i hope that the killed mob will count.
November 14 2008 07:02:30
its offline again -.-
November 14 2008 07:01:25
November 14 2008 06:59:35
more fail by blizzard.
November 14 2008 06:48:17
They restarted it (and a couple of other servers). It's now on the list but can't seem to get on.
Gz Tanki
November 14 2008 06:34:47
no bladefist on realm list..:S
November 14 2008 05:41:45
GZ tanki
November 14 2008 00:47:19
There is a guy in my mage's guild who is 5 bars of 75 lol, hasn't been to sleep yet, and says he will be 75 before bed, His name is Mushroomtrip lol think thats whats he is on